Our So Joe
Charter of rights and responsibilities
So Joe is genuinely committed to supporting the human rights, privacy and confidentiality of So Joe participants, team members and the community. Below is So Joe’s Charter of Rights which shares the rights and responsibilities of the participant, So Joe team members and the service.
Key Stakeholder
So Joe
- Collect relevant participant information for individual planning and support
- Collect relevant information on participants of the service for the use of programming, planning, evaluation and statistical purposes for evidence of practice
- Request that all participants/ representatives treat other participants and the So Joe team with respect, privacy and confidentiality
- Denial of service due to ineligibility
- Decline to provide a support which is unethical, not in the best interests of the participant or agreement plan.
- Treat all participants/representatives with respect
- Provide a quality and timely service
- Respect participants’ privacy and confidentiality
- Provide a safe and healthy environment for service provision
- Respect the rights of participants to make their own decisions and to take responsibility for their actions
- Manage grievances/complaints in a timely and positive matter free of discrimination.
Key Stakeholder
So Joe
- Be treated with respect
- Receive a quality and timely service
- Have their privacy and confidentiality respected
- Have access to equality of service offerings
- Have the right to withdraw or decline service offerings
- Have my cultural and personal opinions respected
- Have the right to make my own decisions regarding my needs, priorities and responses for service planning
- Understand what personal information is required and why, and to provide my consent on how this information can be used
- Have grievances/complaints managed in a timely and positive matter free of discrimination
- Have an opportunity to provide input into service refinement
- Access to my personal information.
- Treat the So Joe team members and other community members with respect
- Participate in planning to support the process of plan implementation to assist my NDIS plan goal achievement
- Provide service feedback to communicate concerns or difficulties and to assist service refinement.
Key Stakeholder
- Be treated with respect
- Receive adequate position information, training and resources
- Access to ongoing professional development
- Have their privacy and confidentiality respected
- Work in a safe and healthy environment
- Have grievances/complaints managed in a timely and positive matter – free of discrimination.
- Treat So Joe participants, team members and other stakeholders with respect
- Demonstrated sensitivity and responsiveness to participants, their needs, feedback and challenges
- Provide a safe and healthy environment for service provision
- Provide a quality service which is effective and appropriate to the participant’s needs
- Do not discriminate
- Respect the privacy and confidentiality of all service users, other team members and the service
- Manage grievances/complaints in a timely and positive matter free of discrimination
- Provide service feedback to communicate concerns or difficulties and to assist service refinement
- Uphold mandatory reporting responsibilities to report when team members have ‘reasonable grounds’ to suspect that a participant is at risk of significant harm.
Persons with Disabilities
The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities states that people with disabilities have the right to access the same opportunities as all citizens with full and effective inclusion in society.
Human Rights
Human rights identity the value of each person, regardless of background, beliefs, where we live, look like or think. They are based on the key principles of equality, dignity and mutual respect, which are shared across cultures, religions and philosophies. These are the foundations of being treated fairly, having the ability of meaningful decision-making in our lives and treating others fairly.
The Rights of Children
The Rights of Children treaty identifies the rights for all children around the world. All children have the same rights and freedoms regardless of race, background, faith or disability. The two elements in focus include the participation of children within the community and advocacy for non-discrimination.
So Joe expects board members and team members to respect and maintain the confidentiality of participants, their representatives, service providers and the company’s business generally.
The confidentiality and privacy of participants and others who they work with is held in the upmost importance.
So Joe is committed to seek consent prior to sharing information with other parties according to your wishes.
The So Joe team is committed to protecting and upholding the rights of participants who
utilise the service. The privacy of participants is secured through the way we collect, store and
use personal information about the participant and the services which are provided to them.
So Joe is responsible to ensure:
- All team and board members understand what is required to meet the privacy obligations
- Meets its legal and ethical obligations regarding the protection of participants
- Participants/representatives are provided with privacy information about their rights regarding privacy
- Provided privacy when discussing sensitive matters.