An Invoice

Sending an invoice is easy!

To submit an invoice.

Remember to include:

  • Participant’s name
  • NDIS number (if known)
  • Person submitting the invoice


This option is for paying unpaid providers

Is there something else?

This option is for a participant getting paid back
for an NDIS service they’ve paid for out of
their own money.

This option is for purchasing items out of a participant’s NDIS funds.

Invoice processing

As a registered Plan Manager for the NDIS, we process invoices for NDIS participants who are registered with our service. Our role is to ensure that invoices are compliant within NDIS standards & pricing guidelines and the funding is within a participant’s remaining NDIS plan budget. We also monitor for potential fraud of a participant’s funds.

What to expect?

This is a usual payment process timeframe.
N.B: Most invoices are paid within 3 business days of receipt. There may be a bank to bank transfer delay. At times there may also be an increased delay from NDIA which will result in a longer timeframe.

Invoice essentials

To allow So Joe to process an invoice, the NDIS requires service provider invoices to include:

  • Service providers business name
  • Service Provider contact information
    • Phone/Email for invoice queries
    • Email for remittance advice
  • Australian Business Number (ABN)
  • Invoice number
  • Account details for payment (BSB and account number)
  • Participants details
    • Name
    • NDIS # (if known)
  • Service details
    • Service Dates
    • Service provided
    • NDIS line item number (if known)
    • Quantity provided
    • Rate of support (e.g. hour rate)
  • Invoice Date
  • GST (if applicable).

Check out a sample invoice

Charging for Services

Price Guide

All services provided must be invoiced within the relevant NDIS Price Guide. Services provided which exceed these limits cannot be claimed against the participants NDIS plan funding.


The majority of NDIS services are GST-free. GST does not need to be charged simply because you are registered for GST.  All self-care support and social & community participation are GST-free. The Australian Tax Office (ATO) can provide further information to determine if GST applies.

For ATO Business Support ph. 13 72 26

NDIS Budgets

All participant invoices will be billed against the individual participants related NDIS budget. If the budget has been expended, there may be scope to process this under another area of funding which has funding remaining if it fits within the guidelines. If the participant’s funding has been expended for a specific category of support, the invoice will be unable to be processed.

Participants Privacy

It’s important to note that So Joe is unable to provide personal or financial details related to the participant in respect of their privacy unless prior consent has been provided.