
Easy Reads

The Easy Read booklets are a simple English version of information about So Joe and navigating the NDIS.

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Easy Read – My Funds My Way


Easy Read – About So Joe


NDIS Terms

What does this acronym mean?

  • ECEI: Early Childhood Early Intervention
  • NDIA: National Disability Insurance Agency
  • NDIS: National Disability Insurance Scheme
  • LAC: Local Area Coordinator

What does this term mean?

  • Advocacy: Advocacy refers to supporting a person to be heard in the decisions that affect their life.
  • An advocate involves a representative supporting a person wanting assistance to be heard. Advocacy seeks a satisfactory outcome for a person, so as to enhance their rights and dignity.
  • Budget: Planning how to spend the money participants have to get the supports they want.
  • Early Childhood Early Intervention: The scheme to provide NDIS supports for participants 0 – 7 years.
  • Goals: Things that participants would like to do now or in their future.
  • Local Area Coordinator (LAC): An LAC works for an organisation which has been selected to provide the NDIS planning role. The role of the Local Area Coordinator (LAC) is to assist people to navigate the NDIS. As part of this, they provide planning and coordination for people with disability to maximise the choice and control over the services they use.
  • NDIA: The National Disability Insurance Agency(NDIA) is an independent statutory agency whose role is to implement the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
  • NDIS: It is the short form of ‘National Disability Insurance Scheme’. It is a government funded program to support people with a disability.
  • NDIS Plan: This is a person’s plan which has been put together by the NDIS to help achieve a participant’s goals. It also states the types of supports needed and how much funding is available for these supports. Plans are usually 1 year in duration.
  • Payments: Paying money that is owed.
  • Plan Management: A person who processes a participant’s NDIS finances and pays their providers from the funding in their NDIS plan.
  • Quote: A summary of the cost of the service.
  • Referrals: A connection to a service, assessment or equipment request.
  • Review Meeting: This is a plan review of a participant’s NDIS plan to check if their supports are working for them and are working towards achieving their goals. This is often referred to as an Annual Plan Review Meeting.
  • Scheduled Review: The is another term for a Review Meeting.
  • Support Coordination: A provider who is able to assist in coordinating a NDIS participants supports.
  • Supports: Services, activities or resources in the NDIS Plan.
  • Unscheduled Review: This is a review which has been requested by the participant or their representative due to a change in circumstances or they are not happy with the decision made by the NDIA in their current plan.

What is the NDIS?

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is how the Australian Government funds the costs associated with having a disability. The scheme enables assistance for people with disabilities and their families to gain the supports they need.

Contact NDIS for further information
Phone – 1800 800 110
Email – [email protected]
Website = https://ndis.gov.au – webchat is available

Who is eligible for the NDIS?

The NDIA will determine if a person is eligible for NDIS support. Criteria’s include:

  • Age
  • Australian residency status
  • Disability or Developmental Delay (0-6 years)

For an up to date eligibility criteria, please visit the NDIS website https://www.ndis.gov.au/applying-access-ndis/am-i-eligible

Contact NDIS for further information

Phone – 1800 800 110

Email – [email protected]

Website = www.ndis.gov.au – webchat is available

What is an NDIS Plan?

An NDIS plan is a document which is provided by the NDIS. It is based on the planning meeting and the life goals which were established. The plan includes personal information, breakdown of supports and funding available for allocated categories of support.

What is the NDIS process?

  1. Apply to be an NDIS participant
  2. NDIS Planning Meeting (determine goals and the NDIS planner will determine the supports to go into the plan)
  3. NDIS Plan Approval (usually a 12 month plan)
  4. NDIS plan implementation
    • Engaging providers (e.g. establishing service agreement)
    • Learning how to manage NDIS funds
    • Getting services and supports
    • Tracking plan progress
  5. 5. Annual plan review meeting (review goals and the NDIS planner will determine the supports to go into the new plan)

What supports does the NDIS cover?

The NDIS provides funding to cover the cost of supports from a wide range of areas and is dependent on an individual’s needs. The support can assist social & community participation, independent living, skill development, improved health & wellbeing and increasing independence. All supports must fit within the ‘reasonable and necessary’ framework.

There are 3 types of support purposes which NDIS funding – core, capital and capacity building.

Core – A support that enables a participant to complete activities of daily living and enables them to work towards their goals and meet their objectives.

Capital – An investment, such as assistive technologies, equipment and home or vehicle modifications, funding for capital costs (e.g. Specialist Disability equipment).

Capacity Building – A support that enables a participant to build their independence and skills.

Looking for more information? Please contact the friendly So Joe team.

How do I understand the NDIS support categories?

There are 3 support purposes (core, capital and capacity building) which have 15 support categories. Some of these will be seen in every NDIS plan.

Support Purpose


Daily Living

Assistance with Daily Living

Social & Community Participation

Assistance with Social & Community Participation


Assistance with Social & Community Participation


Daily Living

Assistive Technology


Home Modifications & Specialist Disability Accommodation

Capacity Building

Choice & Control
Support Coordination

Improved Living Arrangements

Social & Community Participation
Increased Social & Community Participation

Finding & Keeping a Job

Improved Relationships

Health & Wellbeing
Improved Health & Wellbeing

Lifelong Learning
Improved Learning

Choice & Control
Improved Life Choices

Daily Living
Improved Daily Living Skills

Looking for more information? Please contact the friendly So Joe team.

Can I change my NDIS plan?

If I am not satisfied with the inclusions in my NDIS plan, I have the right to ask for an internal review of my plan by the NDIA. This is also known as an ‘unscheduled review’. My ECEI Coordinator, Local Area Coordinator (LAC) or NDIA planner will explain how to do this and can put me in touch with advocates who can help me with this process.

If my personal circumstances have changed significantly, I can request a review if I feel my current plan is no longer suited to my needs.

How do I track my spending?

So Joe participants have 2 methods:

  • Log into my ‘Myplace’ participant portal –
  • Log into the So Joe dashboard

Contact a So Joe team member if you would like any further information