Purchasing Resources
You may be able to use your NDIS funds to purchase resources if they are considered reasonable and necessary and within this funding of your plan. Here are some key points to consider:
1. Directly Related to Your Disability: The resources must be directly related to your disability and align with your NDIS plan.
2. Not Covered by Other Services: The resources should not be covered or delivered by another service system or organization (e.g., Medicare or private health insurer).
3. Reasonable and Necessary: The item must be reasonable and necessary to help you achieve your goals as outlined in your NDIS plan.
4. Low-Cost Assistive Technology (AT): For low-cost AT, the item needs to maintain or improve the delivery of funded NDIS supports, be confirmed by your support provider as needed, be the simplest solution required, not be similar to a device you already have, not be provided by another organization, and not be specifically excluded by NDIS Rules.
You can get a provider to send through an invoice for payment and you can purchase the item yourself and seek reimbursement. You should have evidence of the receipt or invoice/supportive bank statement to demonstrate proof of payment.
Always ensure that the resources you wish to purchase are in line with your NDIS plan and goals. If you are unsure, you can consult with an NDIS delegate.