

Purchasing Resources

I am a My Funds My Way participant and would like to request So Joe to purchase resources on my behalf utilising my NDIS funds. 

Request form to be completed and emailed to So Joe.


and Necessary

All requests for So Joe to purchase resources on a participant’s behalf require the participant or nominee to identify if they believe the support successfully meets the NDIS Reasonable and Necessary criteria – according to Section 34 of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (NDIS Act). So Joe can provide further insights if they believe the item is considered low-cost, low-risk based on NDIS guidelines. 

The NDIS has the responsibility of determining if this does fulfill the criteria. Please note that if the NDIS request the funds to be returned due to it not being deemed ‘Reasonable & Necessary’, you will be asked to pay back the funds. 

Purchase Essentials

To allow So Joe to process the purchase request, they require clear information of the item to be purchased including provider, amount, item details and other associated costs.

So Joe will only process this support if it is legal and not considered high-risk to the participant.